domenica 1 dicembre 2013

Words permutation for passwords generation

When you are performing a password bruteforcing you may have some hints on the password format, of course it is a pity not to exploit this information. During one of my test I noticed that a lot of passwords were based on some year number plus some words combination, like mimmo1983 or oracle2010db.

In order to use this knowledge I have created a little F# script that combines the inputs lists values in order to create all possible permutations.
I am pretty sure that you can do the same with John The Ripper, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to write some F# code. Of course you can use the code for other purposes, even not malicious ones!

let combineValues (listOfList: _ list list) =
    let indexArray = Array.zeroCreate(listOfList.Length)

    let rec combineValuesImpl (listOfList: _ list list) (listIndex: Int32 list) (currentScannedListIndex: Int32) = 
 seq {

  let currentScannedListOverflow =
   let currentList = listOfList.[currentScannedListIndex]
   if listIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] >= currentList.Length  then true
   else false
  if currentScannedListOverflow then
   // update the indexs           
   let newListIndex = Array.copy(listIndex |> Array.ofList)     
   newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] <- newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] + 1

   // zeroes the previous index
   for i in [0 .. currentScannedListIndex] do                        
    newListIndex.[i] <- 0

   // update the next list index
   let updateNextIndex = ref true
   for i in [currentScannedListIndex+1 .. listIndex.Length-1] do
    if !updateNextIndex then
     let li = listIndex.[i] + 1
     if li >= listOfList.[i].Length then
      newListIndex.[i] <- 0
      newListIndex.[i] <- li
      updateNextIndex := false

   if not(!updateNextIndex) then
    yield! combineValuesImpl listOfList (newListIndex |> List.ofSeq) 0
   // calculate value
   let newCombination = Array.zeroCreate<_>(listOfList.Length)
   for i in [0..listOfList.Length-1] do
    let listValIndex = listIndex.[i]
    let listVal = listOfList.[i].[listValIndex]
    newCombination.[i] <- listVal
   yield newCombination
   // update the indexs           
   let newListIndex = Array.copy(listIndex |> Array.ofList)     
   newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] <- newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] + 1

   // iterate
   yield! combineValuesImpl listOfList (newListIndex |> List.ofSeq) currentScannedListIndex

    combineValuesImpl listOfList (indexArray |> List.ofArray) 0
Follow an example of usage:
for test in (combineValues [["oracle"; "tomcat"]; ["password"; "secret"]; ["letmein"; "qwerty"; "123456"]]) do
    printf "%s-%s-%s\n" test.[0] test.[1] test.[2]

which produce the following result
if you want to try it (maybe with your custom words list) checkout this link.

domenica 20 ottobre 2013

.NET code protection, your are doing it wrong

In the past years I have audited various .NET programs in order to verify if it was possible to bypass the license registration mechanism. The most used technique is to obfuscate the MSIL in order to avoid decompiling the registration routine and writing a valid keygen.

The problem of this approach is that even if you use a strong code obfuscator (and there are plenty of them available out there) the code can be easly hacked if not designed in a secure way.

A typical solution is composed of a DLL that implements the license check routine which validates if the product is correctly registered. If this check succeeds then a License object is created and returned. In the "most advanced" case the check is repeated every tot seconds.

The problem in this case is how you have designed this mechanism. If you have followed good OO design then I have bad news for you. Consider the following piece of code:

using System;

namespace CodeProtection
    public class License
        public License(String name)
            this.Name = name;

        public String Name { get; private set; }

    public interface ILicenseChecker
        License GetRegisteredLicense();

    public sealed class DefaultLicenseChecker : ILicenseChecker
        public License GetRegisteredLicense()
            return GetRegisteredLicenseFromSecureStore();

        private License GetRegisteredLicenseFromSecureStore()
            // Check if the license is valid, return null on fail. 
            // This code is heavily  obfuscated and difficult to reverse.
            return null;

    public static class LicenseManager
        internal static ILicenseChecker Checker = new DefaultLicenseChecker();

        public static License GetLicense()
            return Checker.GetRegisteredLicense();

    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var license = LicenseManager.GetLicense();
            if (license != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Product not licensed");

        private static void CodeToProtect()
            Console.WriteLine("Great stuff done here!");

We want to be sure that the method CodeToProtect will be executed only if the license is valid. To do this the code follows a good OO design, it uses an interface in order to decouple the contract from the effective implementation. This allows the developer to use a moked version of  ILicenseChecker during the development and to switch to the final implementation when needed.

If you release that code it is higly probable that it will be hacked in a very easy way. To hack that code it is not necessary to modify the MSIL or to use more complex stuff like the CLR Memory Diagnostics. It is possible to write a bypass by using only plain reflection, like this one: 

using System.Reflection;
using CodeProtection;

namespace CodeProtectionBypass
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var licenseManagerType = typeof(LicenseManager);
            var checkerProperty = licenseManagerType.GetField("Checker", 
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            checkerProperty.SetValue(null, new HackedLicenseChecker());

            // run the program

    public sealed class HackedLicenseChecker : ILicenseChecker
        public License GetRegisteredLicense()
            return new License("Hacked");

When you need to design the code that will check the validity of your license, follow these simple advices:
  • Use sealed classes to avoid someone else extending your class in a malicious way
  • Don't use Interface or Abstract class as field or property in the license check code, that will prevents others to replace your objects via reflection
  • Insert the validation code in the same assembly where it is used, and declare the methods internal or private. This allow the obfuscator to properly obfuscate the code and the routine names, this isn't possible if the method is public